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MamaKath's Stroller Collection
Double Alternatives- Single to Double Options

Many questions arise about the different single to double options out there. Although some are not widely available currently, they do come up used on Ebay and different stroller selling venues.
The primary ones available are the Emmaljunga models- the Husky and Brasilia, the Zooper Double Up, the Kiwi Explorer (which has recently been replaced by the Kiwi E3), and the Bertini Bidwell Pram with Toddler seat (the seat works with the Bertini Classic, Chrome, Sport and Cruiser models, it does not work with any of the M5 models).  This photo essay is meant to show how the Emmaljungas, Zooper, and Kiwi Explorer models compare with each other. At some point I hope to add the Bertini and Kiwi E3 models to this as well, however seeing the Brasilia and the Explorer will give you a bit of an idea of how these do work. 
Please ask away if you have additional questions.  Many thanks to Katian83 for helping with this project, by allowing me to show her gorgeous Emmaljungas in all their glory!!






Emmaljunga Brasilia Plus- Chassis, seat with hood and boot, bassinet with hood and apron. Toddler seat was a seperate purchase with this model, needs an adaptor in order to be used with the bassinet, these take an allen wrench to put on/take off. Features reversible seat, beautiful fabric, large wire basket. It is a traditional pram with chrome chassis ad fixed wheels. Weight limit on toddler seat is 33 lbs. Extra seat can be left attached when folding. Best places to find- Ebay Australia and UK. Very pricy even before shipping (expect to pay around $475 plus shipping for a used model)!
Emmaljunga Husky- Stroller is a traditional stroller with fixed wheels and a book fold. Came with boot.  Toddler seat was an additional accessory, also has a 33 lb. weight limit. Stroller can be folded with the extra seat attached though it folds very long, it also requires a bit of effort to take on or off. It does fold very flat. This is a fabulously well made stroller! Emmaljunga is no longer distributed in the US and is not supported by the company. Best place to find- Ebay (new around 300$, used about 150$ shipped)
Zooper Double Up- Stroller came with footmuff (seat pad with zip-off top quilted section), front bar, and toddler seat. This has swivel wheels and a large basket. It is a very plush stroller and a wonderful single.  The toddler seat must be removed to fold the stroller, two buttons are pressed in and it pops off and is replaced by the front bar. Though not as well made as an Emmaljunga, it is a very good quality stroller and Zooper provides good customer support. The weight limit on the toddler seat is 40 lbs. Best found- No longer available at all new, used are occasionally on Ebay (they go cheap, but shipping tends to be high as the stroller is fairly heavy, in general total runs under $100)
Kiwi Explorer Buggy- This buggy by Phil and Ted's is different than the others in a few ways. It is a swivel wheel all-terrain, with a seat that pops on the back.  This extra seat provides more room for a toddler than the others.  It is an excellant option, especially for a more long term alternative.  Phil and Ted's provides wonderful product support.  Numerous accessories are available to go with this stroller from rain covers, bug mesh/UV protection, paniers bags, cupholder, sleeping bag, footmuff, etc. Has been replaced by the new E3 model (not shown on this page), but is still occasionally available. Best found- Ebay for the Explorer and E3 models (cost varies but a new model with doubles kit can run upwards of $500, used expect to pay around $200-275 plus shipping with double kit, depending on its optional accesories included).
Bertini Bidwell models and seat (not shown on this page) - A classic pram with four wheel steering, this striking carriage is one of the very few current models that can add an additional spot for a sibling. It offers many features with its boot and 4 wheel drive steering, as well as optional accesories like a bassinet, optional second seat to convert it to a double, and diaper bags. Best found- Online shopping venues, baby specialty stores, Ebay (brand new it should be around $400 for the carriage, $80 for the second seat, $160 for the bassinet; if found used, the stroller runs around $200 and up, plus shipping).


Above- Both kids are about 30 lbs. They are about the same height, average height 3 year old, tall 2 year old.


Above- Same 2 kids switch places. Tall 2 year old now in the back, average height 3 year old.


Above- Switching seats again. When I use this with my tall 4 year old and my 1.5 year old, I put the seat all the way down in the back and allow the 4 year old to sit all the way back, then put my little guy in the front. The add on seat on this is larger than the Emmaljunga models, however still has a short seat back and no sun protection. Works great as a highchair as well!


Above- 4 year old in front (46+ inches, 39 lbs.), tall 2 year old in back.
Below- Front view of the 4 year old to see how much room she really has to grow.


Above (top to bottom)-

Emmaljunga Brasilia
Emmaljunga Husky
Zooper Double Up
Kiwi Explorer

Emmaljunga Brasilia in Rhapsody, Emmaljunga Husky in Milford, Kiwi Explorer in Pacific Blue, and Zooper Double Up in Mardi Gras.
Thanks for looking!!! Come back soon.

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